Night skyline of Stuttgart
The trip
to Stuttgart starts in the morning while still in Heidelberg. I just had gone
to bed at 6am because we were up late drinking wine, playing cards, and having
good conversations. I had planned to sleep until 9am, not take a shower, and
catch my 10am train to Stuttgart. Well, as it turns out some new neighbors were
moving in and decided that it would be a great start to the day to hammer
shelves and hooks into the walls at 8am. After 10 minutes of the hammering,
coming to the conclusion that it would not stop any time soon, I finally just
got out of bed, took a shower, took my time getting ready, and even cleaning up
after the party a bit.
I made my way to the station, hopped on the train, and began my journey to
Stuttgart. However, halfway through the train ride the train stops and the
person on the loud speakers announced that there would be a delay and we would
go back to the previous station and wait for about an hour. Alright, I can
handle this- a bit inconvenient, but what could I do?? While on the train I
contacted my host for the night, Saskia, that I would be late because of the
train. She responded that she was sick and had a lot of homework for an upcoming exam but I was still
welcome to stay with her. I told her that if she was 100% OK with it then we
would cancel my stay there and I would find a different place to stay. We both
agreed and so once I did make it to Stuttgart my first mission was to find a
place to stay. I was thinking it would be alright to stay in a hostel until I looked
at the prices! HOOOO WOW!! I then thought “Well, maybe if I find the hostel and
ask at the front desk I could get a sort of discount for whatever”. I wrote
down a few of the addresses and walked around for 2 hours trying to find 3
different ones but having no luck whatsoever. So, I found myself a Starbucks
and posted an emergency couch surfing request for the night. (I had a different
host still planned for the next night but I did not want to bother her so much
because I knew that she was in the process of writing her master’s thesis).
Within about 10 minutes I get a reply from a guy named Brandon. He said I was
welcome to stay with him for the night, but then asked me if I was wanted by
the police… to which I responded “I do not think I am, should I ask?” He said
that as long as I am not illegal nor wanted by the police I am welcome to stay
there. So I’m thinking “Alright, ok. Should I really ask a police man about me
being wanted? Why? Does he not harbor
fugitives or illegals?” I then check out his profile for the second time and
see that he had been in the US Military for 7 years and then it all clicked
from there. Turns out he lives on a nearby base and I had to be checked in and
out every time I go on/off base.
The Stuttgart Castle
we met up I first needed to buy a new sweater. Somehow during my travels I
managed to get a big blue stain on one of the two sweaters that I had. So I
went shopping on the large, main shopping street in Stuttgart where I found a
cute and warm sweater on sale for only 10 Euros. Yay!!! Afterwards I headed
back to the HBF (Main Train Station) to meet up with my new host, Brandon. He
picked me up in a Pick-Up Truck!!! Yay! It had been over 7 months since I had
ridden in one and was so excited! While we drove to the base we had a great getting-to-each
other conversation. He was turning out to be so funny and a great person for
random conversation (I let slip my inner-star trekkie). After arriving, eating,
and talking on base we decided to walk down to the nearest town to go to a
local brewery and try some local beer. He warned me it was a long walk but
addictive beer…. No problems. J When we got to the brewery
(Shoen Brau) he was shocked that I automatically asked the waiter to seat for 2
and for us to be served Hefeweizens in German. He had never been around someone
that spoke German around him at a restaurant and he was very impressed. After
we downed the delicious Hefeweizens I ordered us some Banana-weizens
(Hefeweizen with Banana juice in it, the Germans love it and so do I). Brandon
had never tried one before and he had been living in Germany for 2 years and he
liked it! But afterwards we stuck to the normal Hefeweizens before stumbling
our way back while having a snow ball fight the entire way. J
The next
morning we woke up at 11am and I was informed of my sleep-habits. Apparently
when I am sleep deprived and drunk I try to plug in my phone to peoples
Aquariums. Brandon had a big laugh with it and said that in the night I had
woken him up by reaching over my head and trying to plug in my phone to his
turtle aquarium glass. He had asked me what I was doing and I responded
“Plugging in my phone, I almost have it”. He then told me to forget about it
and go back to bed, in which case I did (or so I am told). So now we know there
is a new rule of thumb with me: Do not sleep deprive me AND get me drunk, or I
will do weird stuff in my sleep.
Once we
had woken up fully, showered, and ate breakfast he took me around to get some
coffee at the food court and to show me what a Px looked like. When we got our
coffee I was so shocked to get it in a to-go cup. I have been so used to
getting real cups with my coffee and sitting down to enjoy them I had forgotten
that America does not do that. I asked if he had real cups and he gave me the
weirdest look and said no. Okay, I guess I could deal with it. Then Brandon
says to me that we would walk around with our Coffee in the store. I demanded
that we sit down and enjoy the coffee, he obliged, and I then realized how
Germany had affected me so much. (Also: They do not recycle on base and I was
offended by it: Thank you Germany). Once in the Px store I was like a little
child: “OH WOW! DORITOS!!! OH WOW!! CHEEZEITS!!!” Brandon had a good laugh and
I also taught him about a few products and appliances of the Germans. He seemed
a bit less interested but another soldier who had overheard me talking about
life in Northern Germany was interested and followed us around a bit as I was
explaining some things. We left the store after about 20 minutes of me Oooh-ing
and Ahh-ing and headed back to his place.
Stuttgart is the birthplace of Mercedes-Benz
another meal (Brandon eats 8 small meals a day) we decided to go see a Windmill
and the Zoo/Botanical Gardens. Well, we got lost and ended up 20 minutes out of
the way. By the time we made it to the Windmill it was too dark to venture to
it and see it and the Zoo/Botanical Gardens would close in a few hours so it
would not have been worth it. So we decided to find a local restaurant near to
where we would meet more Couch Surfers later in the evening. We found a restaurant
that served “maultasch”. Maultasch is a Schwabelian dish (typical
Stuttgart-ian) which is different veggies (and maybe some meat) wrapped in a
pasta dumpling and boiled. I chose their “Oma’s (Grandma’s) Special” which was
the traditional of the traditional. They served it in a French Onion Soup with
carmelized onions on top of it. It was sooooooo good! We wanted to eat more but
we were so full already! Oh well, maybe I will have to learn how to make it.
mentioned there was a Couch Surfing meet and greet that night at a local
lounge. We found it with a bit of difficulty and began to meet other Couch
Surfers, some hosts and some surfers. It was a lot of fun and we learned about
the various immigrants, nationalities, etc. of the people living in Stuttgart
and a part of the Couch Surfing
Where I spent the majority of my time :(
After a
few hours of meeting some pretty awesome people I left around 9pm for my next
hosts place. Well, go figure, I got lost and I made it to her house around
11pm. When I got there she was getting ready for bed because she had to wake up
at 5am. She said I could sleep in and do things on my own, just do not steal
anything. She was very nice and while we were awake we had great conversation.
Stuttgart definitely was a challenge and something different. As I talked to
different people I do not really remember why I came to Stuttgart, I really
knew nothing about it or what it had to offer. Turns out Stuttgart is the
home-city for Mercedes Benz and was mostly a car city. It was fairly modern and
so there was not a lot of Cathedrals, Old Museums, etc so see. But, the people
I met and the memories I gathered definitely made the city worthwhile.
XOXO Emily