A Pint at the Hofbrauhaus, Munich!
So next stop is Munich! Yay! As we were not able to make it
to Munich for Oktoberfest I still wanted to go to Munich and see what kind of a
city it was (and of course I knew that they would have some of the beers still
available for tasting).
First up Munich is beautiful. Albeit it was largely
destroyed in WWII there still retained some beautiful architecture and land
marks. (Some of the main landmarks were not destroyed during the bombings
because they were used as navigational tools for the pilots). When I arrived by
train I was left to wander around the city for about 4 hours by myself before I
could go to the house of my next host, Stephan. So during this time I just
chose a direction and went for it. I ended up finding myself on the main shopping
street full of name brand stores and many, MANY gift shops. I wandered around
these parts for a few hours before grabbing a quick lunch at a beer house
called “Weisses Brauhaus”- home of the Schneider Weiss Beer. Although it is a
local brewery it is not native to Munich, thus not being allowed to participate
in Oktoberfest (which is probably why they have a restaurant there so they can
still profit from the tourists). This was one of the only restaurants where you
can eat the odd parts of an animal- cows head, hoof, tounge, etc. – awkward.
However, the food AND beer was fantastic. I chose to try the Bavarian version
of Grunkohl (a native Northern German dish) and the brewerys original brew. The
Grunkohl was fantastic and true to the flavor and the Original brew was
actually a damn good tasting Hefeweisen (if you are not sure what is a
hefeweisen this is the point where I URGE you to just google it). During my
meal I overheard a tour that came in and sat at a table near me. The guide was
hilarious and had me laughing from two tables away while being informative
about what he was joking about. I decided then to find his tour services and
take the tour.
Bavarian version of Grunkohl and the house brew!
When I was done with my meal I still had about 2 hours left
to roam so I went next door to a Dirndl and Lederhosen shoppe, gritted my
teeth, and bought myself a (rather expensive) dirndl. It is a beautiful piece
that I plan on making a NMU coloured apron when I return to the States and
wearing it beneath my graduation gown during the ceremonies. ;) And yes, there
WILL be photos of this.:) By the time I had purchased my dirndl, found a wifi
hotspot, called my mum and dad it was FINALLY time for me to be able to drop my
stuff off and relax for the night. Stephan had given me directions to his place
using the metro but not from the metro station to his house. So I got myself
lost for about half an hour before a nice fellow noticed me trying to figure
out where I was on a map while standing in the middle of a mini-blizzard. I
think he felt bad for me because he told me just to tell him where I was going
and he would look it up on his mobile which would be more accurate and quick
than me figuring out that the part of the city I was located in is not located
on any of the Munich city maps. Go me. By the time I finally found Stephans I
was an hour late and he and his brother were so hungry that I walked in,
dropped my stuff, and they ushered me into the kitchen to help them cook. :p
That night I was too tired to actually do anything so we all stayed in and
watched cheesy youtube videos on his large projection screen.
The Munich Rathaus.
The Munich Victory Gate.
After the tour I was cold, hungry, and in search of a good
place for lunch. I found a local Paul Anders restaurant and sat down to try
some of their Oktoberfest beer and some of the local grub (a cheese dip that I
forget the name to). The beer was good, cheese decent, and the service was far
from great (I got stuck with an older lady with a serious attitude problem). I
spent a good 2 hours here relaxing, drinking, and generally warming up before
heading back to Stephan’s for the night. When I did end back up at Stephans I
was not feeling so good so I went to bed quite early and feeling guilty because
Stephan had invited me to go Ice Skating with his friends. As much as I wanted
to go I felt it necessary to stay home and make sure I would not get ill before
I met up with Ashley in Freiburg the following morning.
Well that is all for Munich! I hope you enjoyed my brief but
lengthy tales of my travels around Munich. To any who are going to Munich a few
tips: Take the Ozzytours (you will not be disappointed), Try the pretzels,
beer, sweet mustard, weisswurst, and cheese dip thingy; keep a map on you at
all time and try to keep a watchful eye on your possessions (it is a heavily
tourist area and full of pickpockets).
XOXO Emily
Look what I found outside a restaurant!
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