Tom and I |
So I am
currently sitting in a bus station on my way to Norway, Michigan to visit my
sister since Emily and I are back in the United States, but that isn’t what I’m
going to write about. I am going to write about Emily and my trip to Freiburg,
It was here that
Em and I reunited from our time apart. I went to Amsterdam, packed, and said
some final good-byes to friends. Em traveled around the south of Germany. She
got to explore Heidelberg, have misadventures in Stuttgart, and buy a dirndl in
München. It was a joyful reunion! However, on the way down I got to do some
thinking. And we all know that that cannot be good. I swear there was smoke
coming out of my ears and everything!
Now, before I
met up with Emily I was really close to just canceling the trip. I had no
motivation to go and I wanted to stay in Oldenburg for a little bit longer. We
can thank the fact that I had already bought all the train and plane tickets,
because that was the main reason I went. I had already spent the money on the mode
of transportation and I was going to force myself to go! And Em would have
killed me, but on the train down I saw the beginning of the Black Forest and
the mountains. I remember seeing mountains when I was younger, but this time it
was different. I watched in awe as it all came into view. I couldn’t believe
it! I just watched as we just traveled through them and my passion had
returned. I was feeling rejuvenated and happy again. I didn’t feel melancholy
anymore and it was a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t stop thinking that it was
this that I lived for. I lived to see and experience new things and to tell
others and invigorate them. I couldn’t
do any more homework once I felt this. I just couldn’t make myself.
Pastry anyone? |
However, back to
reuniting with Emily, it was a joyous occasion filled with trumpets going off,
us running to each other in slow motion with arms wide open, a great big hug,
and laughs while we walk out of the train station. Okay, that didn’t happen. I
was sitting in Starbucks drinking some tea and doing some homework, I had to
make some headway. It was a nice reunion. She just sat down and we picked up
right where we left off two weeks before. I heard about Stuttgart, way before
you guys ;). We just sat there waiting
on our host to show up to take us home, we sound like lost puppies or kittens.
Eventually our
gracious host, Tom, showed up. You could tell that at first he was a little bit
hesitant at first. It was easy to see by his posture, but I can say with a
guarantee that it didn’t take long for him to take a liking to us. I think it
helped that we made him dinner and dessert. It was also funny and shocking that
he knew one of my friends that I went to Taiwan with. Tom was even nice enough
to take us to where he studied and let me catch up with Cornelius. It was
great. We talked a little bit and caught up while Tom and Emily went to go buy
stuff for dinner. Cornelius was the first non-American Taiwan friend I have
seen, until Paris.
Emily sized hole. |
Once my little
visit was done we headed back to Tom’s apartment to make dinner and just relax
a little bit. It took a little bit to finish dinner, because we just kept
goofing off. Tom got Breakfast at Tiffany’s stuck in our head and that wasn’t
very nice of him, because that song stuck with us through the rest of our trip.
Thank you Tom thank you. It took even longer to eat dinner and dessert, because
we kept getting distracted by YouTube and just chatting in general. After
dinner Tom took us to his friend’s apartment, because it was her birthday! That
was fun. I got to see how much Emily’s German had improved and Tom tried to
help me with my rs. The r is something I have always had trouble with, but I am
still practicing. When we left the party we all pretty much went to bed. Tom
had to make a train the next morning because he was called in to sing. Oh, did
I mention that he is training to be an opera singer? Well he is and he sang
Breakfast at Tiffany’s opera style to us that morning. It was a sad morning,
because we couldn’t stay another night, but so much fun.
After we said
good-bye to Tom we spent the day just catching up on writing and homework. I
just love love love doing homework while on holidays. We had a semi-creepy
moment, but Rebecca was able to help save the day with her ‘emergency’. I still
owe her some snicker doodle cookies, maybe when she comes to the States I will
have some for her. However, this creepy
moment happened around the time that our second host got home from work, so we
were able to go to his house at that time. Or second host was Ralph. He was
very nice. Our first night he made some yummy homemade meat balls. I got to
help a little bit, by help I mean I was peeling potatoes. He also helped me
pick out a nice beer to go with dinner. We didn’t do too much that night
besides talk and just get to know each other.
It was the next
day that surprised Emily and I. Ralph and is girlfriend took us to France! It
was a surprise to us since we only thought they were going to go. It wasn’t
until they were getting ready to leave that they asked if we were coming. We
jumped on that. We went to Neuf-Brisach and a town named Colmar. Neuf-Brisach
had been around since the 1500s I believe and the town wall was still up. It
was so much fun to talk around. Emily was even able to crawl into one of the
holes on the side of it. It was very small and cute. I just loved how it
looked. The houses were nice pastel colors with shutters and all roads lead to
the center of the town and church. It was here that I had my first French pastry.
It was so good and pretty, raspberries and cheese on a pastry.
On our way back
from the adventures in France we stopped to pick up some baguettes, coffee, and
dessert. I got to have a mini baguette fight with our host, or was it Emily? I
can’t remember it was getting late and I was getting tired, I sound like such
an old lady. We ended up having fondue that night. It was my first time ever
having fondue and it was so delicious. I will definitely be eating it when I
can. That night was filled with laughs, riddles (which I am terrible at), great
company, and learning more about our hosts and the area.
Slippin' and slidin' is what I do. |
That Sunday
Emily and I were left up to our own devices. Both of our hosts had plans, but
they did tell us about some places to see in Freiburg. One of them was to walk
up Schlossberg and see the city from there. I was a bit hesitant, because I
knew both of our shoes were not meant for walking up hill in snow and ice, but
we did it. I didn’t care for it when I would slip, but I never fell on my butt
and the view was worth it. I will always remember watching the snow falling
gently. It made Freiburg seem like a sleepy little town, but it added something
to it. It once again reminded me that there was more to see in the world. Emily
and I even took this time to just talk about what we wanted to do once we got
back. Halfway up the mountain it just turned into a leisurely stroll, mostly
because it wasn’t as steep anymore. It was a bonding moment for us that is for
sure. There were points where we just sat on the railing looking out on the
town and the mountains surrounding it just talking. The way down wasn’t so
serene. I would say it was a death trap of snow and ice, but so much fun. We got a few funny pictures of us goofing
around. Emily was even able to slide down the mountain, once we found railings,
because her shoes had no grips on them. I was stuck taking super baby steps. I
saw people laughing at us and mimicking us since Em’s idea was so good.
A street in Colmar. |
The rest of the
day we just walked about the city center. We found this place with amazing
chocolate and bought a cake for our host, since I didn’t want to bake. It was
just relaxing, something we needed since the next few weeks would be a
whirlwind. There is something about Freiburg that is going to stick with me for
a long time. I think I might have to plan a return visit sometime.
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